OUR FOUNDER - The Watchman


My temporal life journey to being the Founder of these Global Ministries really began a long time ago, from very humble social beginnings and being orphaned at 9 years of age, to some of the Circles of Influence. Nevertheless, for your intents and purposes here. It humbly encapsulates some of my real life experiences, skills and the preparation that God allowed me to be exposed to over 40+years, from intelligence, nouse, shrewd acumen, unique skills, capabilities, knowledge, journalistic and spiritual warfare activities over the past 40+ years ...

I have lived the equivalent of '40 lifetimes' over, compared to any 'normal' life but that was 'pre-ordained' for me and it has generally been so and still is, for good purposes against the enemy (LCF) and his Deep State proxies ...

They have/tried to IVND (Identify Villify Nullify Destroy) me to end or prevent my 'path of light' 3times and to kill me, at least 21 times over the past 40+ years (7 x via Proxies, 7 x via Spiritual Warfare Attack and 7 x Medically). Like the Apostle Paul and like the Mighty Daniel, they once even falsely imprisoned me 30 years ago to prevent me moving forward but I serve ONLY Our Heavenly Father in ALL things and HE has always 'protected' and 'sustained' me as HIS TRUE servant ...

David the eliakim



The Global EndTime True Remnant & Holy True Christian Church & Faith


asymmetric journalism™ © davidtremayne™ 2016-2024

Our Founder David IS a Fully UK Accredited Investigative Journalist and Union Member. A Freelance Public Interest Journalist Specialising in Global Military/Security & Intelligence, Masonic & Secret Society Networks, Esoteric Occult & Hidden Networks, Eschatology, Covert Research/Investigation & Report, Holding Power To Account and Covert Insider Whistleblower Interview and Research ...

He began his journalism training in 2007 by 'bartering' his immense and very specialised knowledge and capabilities to Global PMC & PMCS (Private Military Contractors/Security Contractors). They in turn, provided him with access to their considerable resources and global network of training outposts and operatives in many professional disciplines, trained him in News & Digital Media, Journalism, Investigative Journalism, Counter-Intelligence, Cyber Security, Field Craft, SERE, Self-Defence & Offence (Systema/Krav Maga) as part of his full induction as a Specialist/Consultant to their Private Risk Solutions, Global Private Intelligence, Esoteric, Eschatalogical & Multi-Dimensional, Analytical & Intel Consultancies & Legal Solutions ...

In 2016 he created a unique, hybrid and highly effective form of Investigative Journalism which he called asymmetric journalism™ and for completeness purposes, he registered the fact with the General Secretary of one of his UK Journalist Unions at that time. He owns both the Global IP ™Trademark and ©Copyright to the name, the term and the system itself!


bytempest™ - bytempest™WATCHMAN & bytempest™NFT © davidtremayne™ 1997-2024

Our Founder David IS aka the Spiritual Warfare Man of God bytempest™ on Social Media bytempest™ ON X. It started out 'covertly' as a way to use his Digital Media/Crypto Media & Investigative Journalist Skills to expose the Deep State and the Luciferian Elite/Cabal using 'assymetric journalism' which he created in 2016. He created bytempest™ in 1997.. a story which in itself will somewhat amaze you ...

Athough the 'covert' element is largely defunct now, it is still a valuable Spiritual Warfare Ministry and a uniquely useful tool to bring 'spiritual authority' to bear upon the Daemoniac and their Human & Infernal Proxies. It's also a useful tool to challenge New Age, Kabbalistic, Gnostic, Quantum Ascension, Multi=Dimensional, Fallen Angel, False Prophet & The Rising AC's Insidious & Corrupt Narratives ...

They use X partly as a Pseudo Christian Psyop to confuse the Elect. As one of the very many consequences of the 40Year Assignment™ Quest given to him by God in 1979, to go into the Wilderness of the Enemies Camp, David is uniquely skilled and knowledgeable in all areas of their Deceptions, Duplicity and Dark Daemoniac Corruptions to enable him to WARN and ALERT the Elect about what is 'hidden' and what is 'actually' going on. He-s been a Watchman for 40+ years but came into his own from 2007 onwards ...



GLOBAL FREE SPEECH SYSTEMS™ © davidtremayne™ 2016-2024

David Tremayne™ AS a Fully Accredited UK Investigative Journalist, Union Member and Freelance Public Interest Journalist, has developed 'active systems' to prevent any and all censorship of his work through his media and UK brand identity  'FREE SPEECH SYSTEMS™ (N.B - Not connected to but highly sympathetic to the Alex Jones USA based FSS LLC). He is an ardent believer in the sanctity of 'FREE SPEECH' in ALL of its forms, even forms that he may not agree with ...

He believes that current attempts by WEF Globalist Technocrats now controlling our Western Governments (like UK's Kier Starmer and the 'Rothschild Emissary' Emmanuel Macron to name two) to implement new 'Media Harms' legislation (EU & UK) are really tyrannical control mechanisms, from 5th columns within our impotent governments, designed to actually destroy 'FREE SPEECH'.

Moreover, he believes further that these dystopian 'hidden hands' and the 'cancel culture' terms such as 'Media Harms' are actually a manifestation of an Orwellian 'Ministry of Truth' for 2022 to 33 and all of our futures... He has warned humanity, that it won't end there...

'They (LCF/9G - via WEF & Other Global Corporate & Human Proxies) have so much, much more planned for us, beyond just their recently failed 'pharmakeia' via their soon to be manifested new genocidal and democidal holocaust. The human outcome of which was reported in data terms, in the infamous but now fully deleted western intel controlled 'harbinger' thereof, called the 'Deagel Report'

DT ...August 2024

(LCF = Lucifer Fallen Cherubim/9G = 9 Gatekeeper Fallen Angel Commandery)


CRYPTOMEDIA™ ©davidtremayne™ 2021-2024


'I am developing 'Crypto Media' projects through my active digital brand identity cryptomedia™ to fulfil the Damascene Prophetic Dream & Command that I rceieved in 2019 from Our Heavenly Father (YHWH) to supervise a project which I cannot yet publicly reveal until I am released by God to do so ...

Moreover, I recognise the impact ...AND SO DOES OUR HEAVENLY FATHER ...that the changing 'Digital & Data Matrix' World that we live in, is having upon everyone globally, as it is now all coming into plain sight and full view but have great hope brethren ...

'The Totalitarian & Luciferian 'Great Reset' and 'Great Taking' is here and we all better be ready for the fight and non-compliance or we will face the total assimilation of humanity!'

'With the above in mind, I am also researching new niche 'Crypto & 'DAO based Developments'

I have found one potential Crypto Development Partner in Zug Switzerland but I would be interested to receive contact from other potential partners either in Zug or elsewhere who have a more 'turnkey', maybe private/white label platform for this. If you are potential Partner (IT/Technical/Financial/Creative) and you want to collaborate with me on any of these projects, then please make contact with me asap' ...

DT ...September 2023


remnant.report™ Ministry ©Copyright remnantglobalmedia™ Trademark 2019-2023

remnant report™ (True Remnant™ News) is the CROSSFIRE 7™ End-Time Spiritual Warfare Ministry No. 6 ... 'For Such Times As These!'

remnant report™ is a Divinely Decreed & Inspired Global Spiritual Warfare and an End-Time True Remnant Global Christian Spiritual Warfare Ministry and a True Christian™ News Report & Ministry ...to 'Inform' God's (Yahweh's) People & Communities about 'The Enemy' globally and to call God's True Remnant to 'Rise Up', to 'Stand' and to 'Occupy' within their own Communities Locally as a 'VISIBLE' Confession & Proclamation of Our Faith, of Our Love, of the Supremacy of Our Heavenly Father (Yahweh) and of Salvation through Our Saviour Yeshua (Jesus) ...

remnant report™ as a ministry will equip the True Remnant™ for their local 'Spiritual Battlefield' by providing 'Daily' Watchman and Insider Global Intel News Reports of 'Tyranny' 'Totalitarianism' and 'The Enemies' growing infernal Technobeast™ Systems of Spiritual Corruption, Transhumanism, Synthetic Biology, Pharmakeia™ ...