OUR FOUNDER - the Apostle

My calling was First announced to the World by the late and the very great Christian Pentecostal Evangelist John Gimenez, who made this Divine Proclamation and Decree over me under the Visible Full Power, Influence and Anointing of the Holy Spirit. This was witnessed before over 2000 people during a visiting Evangelistic Mission being presented by Bishop John Gimenez's Ministry at Bethesda Missionary Temple Detroit Michigan USA (BMT) in 1979 ...
The Rev.Bishop John Gimenez

John stopped the service and travelled all the way to the back of the auditorium and found me standing with others right near the back and came straight to me, without any kind of hesitation or delay, to make the 'Divine Decree' over me, with his eyes all 'on fire' and full of the Holy Spirit.He immediately 'Prophesied Over Me' and then he 'Laid Hands' upon me and he 'Anointed' me for those forthcoming purposes ...

I was subsequently 'Apostolically Anointed' for a second time and was 'Ordained' by Pastor Myrtle D Beall herself in July 1979, by Laying On Of Hands, Anointing with Oil, Consecrating & Commissioning me for ALL of these, Our Sovereign Lord God's (YHWH) purposes, honour and glory, when Myrtle 'Laid Hands' upon me, Anointing me via the Power of the Holy Spirit and sending me off as an 'Apostle of Christ Jesus '...

John was the Pastor, the International Overseer and Bishop of Rock Ministerial Family and Rock Church International USA, he passed away in February 2008 ... https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/24724590/john-gimenez https://www1.cbn.com/content/john-gimenez-legacy-powerhouse-preacher

Myrtle Dorothea Beall passed away in September 1979, just two months after passing the Spiritual Armoury Mantle to me. May God Bless you Mom Beall for your enduring faithfulness ...

Whilst living she certainly had God's Hand Upon Her Shoulder and she transferred that same 'Hand' over to me when she laid hands upon me and the mantle was passed to me. So many Miraculous things happened when Myrtle Laid Hands upon you and many other spirit filled ministries across the world were conceived when the Holy Spirit was transferred via her to others called to BMT to receive their own ministries ...

'And he gave some, Apostles and some, Prophets and some, Evangelists and some, Pastors and Teachers. For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ. Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ' (Ephesians 4 v11-16 KJV)

Our Founder/Global Guardian is A GLOBAL Apostle of Christ Jesus and is an Ordained Minister of Religion and a Fully Commissioned Missionary of the TRUE Christian™ Faith (Remnant Global Ministries Ltd). This is OUR Global Ministry Corporation also known as The TRUE Remnant™ & Holy TRUE Christian™ Church & Assembly who's Global TRUE Christian™ Ministry Operations are also known as Celestial™ Global Ministries, Celestial7™ Global Ministrues. CROSSFIRE™ Global Ministries and CROSSFIRE7™ Global Spiritual Warfare Ministries but not limited thereto. ALL names are used Globally under IP License terms.

Our Founder/Global Guardian is an Ordained (1979) & Commissioned Missionary of our TRUE Christian™ Faith & President/Director of OUR Ministry Corporation with GLOBAL Executive Authority. His current Ministry Commission Territory is GLOBAL with current Spiritual & Temporal Authoriy for OUR Mission Fields in CYPRUS (Our World HQ), UNITED KINGDOM, EUROPE & NORTH AMERICA.

Our Founder/Global Guardian also has GLOBAL Executive Authority & Ministry Commission responsibilities/oversight of OUR Mission Fields in AUSTRALIA/NZ, SOUTH-EAST ASIA & CHINA.

Our Founder is also 'The Apostolic Patriarch' of the End-Time Global Apostolic Patriarchate & Apostoloi based in Cyprus UK & Switzerland.

Authority Seal of David the eliakim™- THE APOSTOLIC PATRIARCH ©Copyright-the eliakim


'And They Overcame Him By The Blood Of The Lamb & By The Word Of Their Testimony; And They Loved Not Their Lives Unto Death' (Revelation 12 v11 KJV) ...David the eliakim

'Blessed are the eyes which see the things that ye see: For I tell you, that many prophets and kings have desired to see those things which ye see, and have not seen them; and to hear those things which ye hear, and have not heard them' (Luke 10 v23-24)